Hi! My name is Michelle, and I have been involved with Chi Alpha since Fall 2012 (my freshman year at the University of Missouri St. Louis). I was a part of Bryan and Cecile’s Chi Alpha in college and a volunteer of Chi Alpha Korea after college. Chi Alpha has truly changed my life; I’d love to share a bit of that story with you today.
When I stepped into Chi Alpha in 2012, I had no idea how much my life would change. As a shy, new freshman, I sought out Chi Alpha to connect with friends but ended up with so much more. God connected to me through Bryan, Cecile, and many other friends. He used Chi Alpha to disciple me, heal my past hurts, and teach me about His grace, love, and self.
In 2016, after college, I went to Ulsan, South Korea, and, honestly, began living in the world. God never was far from me, though. Three months into Korea, I suddenly had to move to Seoul. I was scared of being alone in a new city; however, Cecile suggested that I connect with Katie, the Chi Alpha Korea leader. My first weekend in Seoul, I met Katie, went to a Chi Alpha meeting, and visited Katie’s church (which became my church for all six years I was in Korea).
At first, I attended Chi Alpha just for friends, but God used the people there to bring me back to Him. (Katie especially became my discipler, sister, and guide back to Christ.) Honestly, if it weren’t for Chi Alpha, I wouldn’t have found Him again. He continued to mature me and eventually called me to volunteer with Chi Alpha Korea from 2017 to 2018.
I stayed in Korea four more years after volunteering. Still, Chi Alpha–both Korea and UMSL–have never been far. I met my church family, my closest friends in Korea, and even my boyfriend through Chi Alpha. During the most tumultuous times–losing my dad in 2021 and returning to Korea in August 2022–Chi Alpha friends have continued to pray for and support me.
All in all, I am so thankful for Chi Alpha and its people: Bryan, Cecile, my boyfriend, many dear friends. As I re-adjust to the US and start my next chapter, I pray He keeps Chi Alpha close and also continues to use Bryan, Cecile, and Chi Alpha to bring students to Him and His love.
Here is a link to an article Minho recently wrote about the passing of Christian apologist Ravi Zacharias. (He is an award-winning journalist for a major publication in South Korea.)
Princess posted the following after becoming a member of the Chi Alpha Alumni Association:
"Glad to be a child of God and Chi Alpha member. Thanks to Cecile and Bryan Ames for UMSL and SIUE Chi Alpha. It was a nice experience. The Bible studies and the special Filipino food. Thanks so much."
"It was such a blessing to have Princess in Chi Alpha ! She is a wife of an Assemblies of God pastor in a thriving church in Ghana ! When she was with us , she showed us how to have great faith in God, our Healer as she faced a medical situation and had to go through radiation , surgery at the same time pursuing a graduate program ! That is what Chi Alpha is like to me : a place that I can pursue God and a place where many brothers and sisters in Christ encourage me with prayers, love and passionate pursuit for Christ!" -Cecile
Posted on Facebook:
"One year ago today I walked into [Chi Alpha Worship meeting]. I didn't care about God and I only went because my dad wanted me to. Little did I know that it would change my life. When I hit rock bottom chi alpha was there to pull me back. When I laughed again they laughed with me. Chi alpha changed my life and I don't know where I would be with Christ or in college if I hadn't come to that little meeting. Thank you chi alpha for all you've done for me. "
The picture Kimberly posted on Facebook
Kimberly (left)
“I saw how my current Chi Alpha friends lived their lives, and I thought to to myself, that seems like a pretty cool life. And I want that for myself."
"Someone asked me how this year was for me and I said on a scale of 1-10, it is a 10 because of God. I’m so glad God brought you [Chi Alpha and my Chi Alpha friends] into my life”. Also, after playing many violin recitals before, she stated in her last recital, “This was the first time that I played for God and not for me. It feels great to play to bring all the glory back to God.”
Samuel, right after he accepted Christ: "Look at the smile on my face. Before I was so depressed, now I am so happy!"
Before he left to go back to India he said, "Thank you, Bryan, this has been the best year of my life."
Upon returning to India, he said, "I am sharing my testimony with my Hindu and Muslim friends."
Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, China, India, Myanmar, Taiwan, Vietnam, Thailand, Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia, South Korea, Mongolia, Nigeria, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Algeria, Kenya, Madagascar, Jamaica, Brazil, Peru, Mexico, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, Germany, Netherlands, France, Spain, Latvia, Romania, Bulgaria, Finland, Italy, Macedonia, Ukraine, Turkey, Russia, USA, New Zealand.
Thanks for partnering with us to reach these lives!
©2020 Ames